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Weng Jieming, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council: State-owned enterprises should be the vanguard of promoting digital and intelligent upgrading 2020-03-25





习近平总书记在统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上强调,要充分运用大数据分析等方法支撑疫情防控工作。We should take this opportunity to transform and upgrade traditional industries and foster and strengthen emerging industries


  Since the outbreak of COVID-19, digital technologies, represented by big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and mobile Internet, have played an important role in epidemic prevention and control, and more and more enterprises have begun to do soCloud office”“Online management”“Intelligent manufacturing”“Contactless productionInternet+”New models and new forms of business of the digital economy are developing rapidly。This is not only the result of the accelerated digital intelligent transformation forced by the epidemic, but also represents the future of new productivity and new development direction, and will become an important engine for China to deepen supply-side structural reform, promote high-quality economic development through innovation, and become an important way to modernize the national governance system and governance capacity。State-owned enterprises are the important material and political foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics,As an important pillar and strength for our party to govern and rejuvenate the country,As an important part of the national governance system led by the Party,Most of them are distributed in important industries and key areas related to national security and the lifeblood of the national economy,Greater efforts must be made to develop the digital economy and accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading,Strive to become the vanguard of promoting China's digital intelligent upgrade。

  It is urgent to accelerate the digital and intelligent upgrading of the economy and society

  In today's world, the rapid development of information and communication technologies has fully integrated into social production and life, and is exerting a significant and far-reaching impact on economic development, social progress, and the international political and economic pattern。Firmly grasp the current opportunities, vigorously promote the deep integration of information and communication technology and China's economic and social development, and drive socialist modernization with digital and intelligent upgradingtwo centenary goalsThe goal is of great significance。

  加快数字化智能化升级是贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示精神和党中央决策部署的必然要求。习近平总书记高度重视数字化智能化工作,早在2000During his tenure in Fujian, he made construction with a high visionDigital FujianMajor decision。Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,习近平总书记准确把握时代大势,Actively respond to practical requirements,At the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, it was proposed to implement the strategy of network power,At the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it further proposed the strategic goals of building a cyber power, a digital China, and a smart society,He also presided over the collective learning of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on cutting-edge information technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain for many times,We must accelerate the digitalization and intellectualization of traditional industries,Make the digital economy bigger and stronger,We will guide the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy,Promoting high-quality economic development;We should strengthen basic research, enhance original innovation capabilities, promote collaborative research, and accelerate breakthroughs in core technologies;It is necessary to strengthen the construction of talent teams, build various forms of high-level talent training platforms, and cultivate a number of leading figures and high-level innovation teams。习近平总书记重要指示精神是网络信息时代背景下马克思主义理论成果的重大创新,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,我们必须深入学习领会,坚决贯彻落实。

  Accelerating digital and intelligent upgrading is a major measure to seize the historical opportunities of scientific and technological and industrial revolution。History shows that technological and industrial revolutions have profoundly changed the pattern of world development。Whoever can grasp the opportunities of technological and industrial revolution will be able to walk in the forefront of The Times and lead the future development。The first industrial revolution, represented by the invention of the steam engine, promoted Britain to become the world's first power. The second industrial revolution, represented by the use of electricity, prompted the United States to quickly catch up with and surpass the European powers. The application of computer information technology in the last century further consolidated its position。当前,Cloud computing, big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence, mobile Internet and other basic technologies and cutting-edge hot technologies have accelerated their iterative evolution,Deeply integrated into all areas of society,Constantly unleash the vitality of innovation,Informatization has increasingly become a leading force in promoting economic and social development,The digital economy is becoming a core element of global industrial transformation and economic growth,All major countries in the world have taken digital and intelligent upgrading as a strategic direction to seek new advantages in international competition。

  In recent years, our country5GMajor breakthroughs have been made in cutting-edge scientific and technological fields such as quantum communication, speech recognition, and supercomputers跟跑并跑”“领跑Mobile payment, sharing economy, online shopping, robot manufacturing and so on have flourished, achieving historic major progress。But at the same time, we must also see that there are still some gaps and deficiencies in key core technologies, information resource sharing, industrial support capacity, and talent team construction。In this regard, we must adhere to the problem-oriented, constantly accelerate the pace of digital intelligent upgrading, strive to achieve leapfrog development in important areas, and win the strategic initiative in a new round of global competition。

  Accelerating digital and intelligent upgrading is an urgent need to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity。The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee made major arrangements for promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, emphasizing the need to promote the construction of digital government, strengthen data sharing, and establish and improve the use of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other technological means for administrative management;We need to improve systems and mechanisms for scientific and technological innovation, support integrated innovation by large, small and medium-sized enterprises and various entities, and accelerate the development of an innovation-oriented country。

  In the prevention and control of COVID-19, the advantages of digital intelligence have become prominent, and they have played an important supporting role in many aspects, such as epidemic surveillance and analysis, virus tracing, prevention and treatment, material allocation, residents' living security, and enterprises' resumption of work and production。Central enterprises have made full use of digital intelligent technology to quickly detect close contacts, carry out epidemic prevention and control monitoring and early warning, and dispatch medical supplies production, which has significantly improved prevention and control efficiency。These powerful weapons of national and social governance should not be limited to the period of epidemic prevention and control, and must be upheldCombination of peacetime and warIt is necessary not only to fully summarize the successful experience of effectively preventing and controlling the epidemic through the use of information technology, but also to deeply reflect on the prominent problems exposed in the epidemic, speed up the shortcomings and strengths, and upgrade the national governance system and governance capacity with digital intelligence。

  We will give full play to the central role of state-owned enterprises in digital and intelligent upgrading

  近年来,国有企业坚决贯彻习近平总书记重要指示精神和党中央决策部署,加快推动企业数字化智能化转型,积极参与网络强国、数字中国、智慧社会建设,为我国经济社会持续健康发展作出了重要贡献。Face the future,We must fully implement the new vision for development,We thoroughly implemented the strategy of innovation-driven development,We will accelerate the construction of network infrastructure, make breakthroughs in key core technologies, strengthen information security, build backbone leading enterprises, and enhance industrial support capabilities,We will continue to enhance the competitiveness, innovation, control, influence and resilience of the state-owned economy,Strive to take the lead and set an example in the digital and intelligent upgrading of China's economy and society。

  We will work hard to strengthen the supporting capacity of new infrastructure。以5GWe will build a high-speed, mobile, secure and ubiquitous next-generation information infrastructure, expand network coverage, improve network supply capacity, and strive to form a cyberspace where everything is connected, human-computer interaction, and heaven and earth are integrated。Give full play to the leading role of the state-owned economy in important industries and key fields, accelerate the construction of backbone industrial Internet, and build the economic and social operation of our countryNerve center,We will deepen the digital and intelligent transformation of energy, transportation, logistics, manufacturing and other infrastructure,We will build public service platforms and industrial ecosystems,We will promote the rational flow and optimal allocation of resources and factors of production,We will accelerate the formation of an infrastructure system that better meets the needs of the digital economy and a smart society,We will effectively improve our ability to provide basic support for economic and social development。

  We will work hard to tackle key and core technologies。Adhere to the application of traction, system promotion, and closely grasp the independent innovation of key core technologiesSnout of an oxFocus on the shortcomings of core electronic components, high-end chips, basic and key application software, and speed up the combingCatch sb. by the neckMake breakthroughs in theory, methods, tools and systems as soon as possible, and strive to build an internationally advanced, safe and controllable technical system。Actively build an innovation cluster of production, university and research systems, vigorously promote the development and industrialization of digital intelligent products, accelerate the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements and the pace of localization replacement, and lay a solid technical foundation for the digital intelligent upgrade of China。

  We will strive to build a high-level industrial chain for the digital economy。Adhere to the supply-side structural reform as the main line, closely follow the new changes in public perception and lifestyle after the epidemic, vigorously develop the digital economy, and form a systematic layout as soon as possible。We will actively use advanced technologies such as the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence to transform traditional industries,We will vigorously promote intelligent manufacturing,We will improve the quality and efficiency of traditional industries and promote their transformation and upgrading,We will effectively respond to the adjustment of the international division of labor and the increasingly complex global industrial chain,We will promote synergy between upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain,Maintain the stability and security of the industrial chain。Cultivate leading enterprises of big data and artificial intelligence with major leading roles, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation between enterprises of all types of ownership, promote the integration of digital industrial chain and the promotion and application of independent brands, carry out industrial alliance construction, and effectively bring into play the driving effect of industrial agglomerationMultiplier effectPromote the formation of a digital economic industrial system with the coordinated development of large, small and medium-sized enterprises。

  Efforts will be made to accelerate the pace of digital and intelligent transformation。Active applicationBig things move intellectual chainSuch advanced information and communication technology, enhance data collection, data management, data mining capabilities, break the internalInformation barrierTo comprehensively improve the breadth and depth of data resource application and the level of sharing services。Optimize traditional business processes, improve business operation efficiency, and achieveCloud officeSuch as the transformation of the system and mechanism suitable for digital management, promote the internal management decision-making chain, production and manufacturing chain, and customer service chain to respond more efficiently and accurately, and accelerate the construction of digital enterprises and smart enterprises。

  We will strive to modernize national governance capacity。We will resolutely implement the deployment requirements of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee,We will effectively promote the digital and intelligent upgrading of public health, education, transportation, and life services,We will speed up efforts to address outstanding weaknesses in the major epidemic prevention and control system, the public health emergency management system, and the emergency material support system,We will innovate ways to provide services to people's livelihood,We will continue to make public services more equal, inclusive and convenient。Accelerate the development of AI systems for government services and decision-making,We will explore ways to establish mechanisms for big data to assist scientific decision-making and social governance,We will strengthen the integration of characteristic data of state-owned enterprises with big data resources of the government,We will support the development of digital government and new smart cities,To help build a national integrated government service platform and an online supervision platform,Implement it nationwide城市Brain engineering will continuously transform technological advantages into governance effectiveness, and comprehensively improve the governance capabilities and levels of governments and social organizations at all levels。

  Strive to form a good pattern of jointly promoting digital and intelligent upgrading

  To promote the digital and intelligent upgrading of China's economy and society, the whole society needs to work together and form a synergy。要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示精神和党中央决策部署,增强Four senses、坚定Four confidences、做到Two maintenanceStrive to form a national chess game, actively promote the implementation of the digital and intelligent upgrading of China's economic and social work, and enhance efficiency and empowerment for promoting high-quality development。

  Strengthen the Party's leadership。Adhere to the overall leadership of the Party Central Committee on the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the Internet, improve the working mechanism of digitalization and intelligent upgrading of various related fields, strengthen the party building of enterprises, and ensure that all work is always advancing in the right direction。We will continue to improve the governance and professional capabilities of leading officials at all levels, effectively enhance the ability to use data to promote work, and enable advanced technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to play a greater role in all work。Strengthen the construction of digital talent team, expand the scale of talent, improve professional quality, and provide solid talent support for China's digital intelligent upgrade。

  Strengthen strategic guidance。At the national level, we will further strengthen the top-level design of digital intelligent upgrading, study and formulate an overall action plan, and incorporate it into our national economic and social developmentFourteen fifthThe plan will be formulated and promoted in conjunction with the construction of a strong cyber country, a digital China and a smart societyFourteen fifthSpecial planning and related major projects such as basic platform construction, core application development, key technology research, intelligent manufacturing, network security guarantee, military-civilian integration and development。Organize relevant experts to carry out forward-looking and strategic research on digital intelligent upgrading, and provide consultation for relevant major decisions and policy implementation in a timely manner。

  Strengthen policy support。Focusing on the overall situation of digital and intelligent upgrading of the economy and society, we will actively support the development of relevant industries, remove institutional obstacles that restrict the free flow of talent, capital, technology, data and other factors, give full play to the guiding role of relevant government policies, and encourage and support the whole society to increase investment in key areas。For leading enterprises and major projects, we will strengthen policy support from the aspects of fiscal and tax incentives, capital subsidies, and talent introduction, and accurately serve the development needs of enterprises。We will accelerate the improvement of the digital economy market system, innovate regulatory methods, implement inclusive and prudent regulation, create a level playing field in the market, and fully stimulate social innovation and creativity。

  Strengthen coordination and interaction。Strengthen the coordination and cooperation of relevant state departments, establish a work communication mechanism, regularly study the prominent problems existing in the work of digital intelligent upgrading in China, clarify the division of responsibilities, coordinate the promotion of work, and ensure that all tasks are implemented in place。Promote the establishment of effective channels for information sharing, processing and feedback, promote cross-departmental and cross-regional system docking, and form an effective working pattern and working mechanism for joint progress。

  Strengthen legal protection。In view of the new problems and challenges encountered in China's digital intelligent upgrade,We will promptly improve relevant national laws and regulations,We will accelerate the promulgation of the Data Security Law and other laws and regulations,Efforts should be made to balance the relationship between technological innovation and risk, network openness and security, data mining and privacy protection, and data monopoly and competition,We will strive to build a legal environment conducive to the sustainable and healthy development of the digital economy,We will resolutely investigate and punish illegal activities such as data abuse and data leakage,We will guide enterprises to actively fulfill their social responsibilities,Adhere to the bottom line of legal ethics,Create an enabling environment for the development of the digital economy。



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